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America’s Largest Cities Are Experiencing a Mass Exodus as Liberal Policies Fail

A recent article by the Daily Mail that highlights the top shrinking cities in America shows how liberally-ran cities are facing a growing number of residents fleeing en masse.

The article cites research from the University of Illinois Chicago which claims that nearly half of America’s 30,000 cities will shrink by the end of the century. Among the top cities are Detroit, Baltimore, Buffalo, St. Louis, and Cleveland. But what’s strikingly consistent is that each of these cities is governed by liberal leadership.

While some may dismiss this correlation as a mere coincidence, it is obvious that our nation’s largest cities are facing enormous issues. Rampant crime, escalating homelessness, and soaring taxes are becoming all too common in urban areas across the nation, and the political ideology guiding these cities cannot be overlooked.

One of the key contributors to the rise in crime is the leniency exhibited by soft-on-crime District Attorneys, who often prioritize the interests of criminals over public safety. Policies like zero bail and lenient charges further incentivize crime, with criminals knowing there will be little-to-no consequences.

The surge in homelessness is another pressing issue facing urban America, and it’s exacerbated by a lack of comprehensive services for those in need. By allowing individuals to remain on the streets without receiving much-need services like mental health and drug addiction treatment, our public streets have become unsafe for people to walk on freely.

The result of these policies is hundreds of thousands of law-abiding citizens fleeing urban areas to live somewhere more rural. This max exodus of American cities will make it harder for urban America to collect tax revenue, leading to even more issues.

In contrast, conservative-led jurisdictions like Florida prioritize law and order, sending a clear message to potential wrongdoers that criminal behavior will not be tolerated. As a result, migrants and residents alike are less inclined to engage in illicit activities, knowing that they will face swift and severe consequences under a legal system that is supported by politicians.

As the decline in urban cities continues, liberal politicians must finally realize that their policies promote instability and chaos.

“I would have done anything to have Turning Point USA when I was your age, so it really is a true honor to be here today.”

- Former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany