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Kendall Jones Gives Back Through ‘Supplies For Success’ Fundraiser

It’s coming up on that time again…. BACK TO SCHOOL!

To me, education is vital for today’s youth. I was fortunate enough to have parents who drilled how important education was and provided me with all the tools to succeed. I graduated from Texas Tech University in May 2017 with a Bachelor’s in Business Marketing.

With the way school environments and life, in general, have been over the past year, I want to add some normalcy to this school year! 

Some children out there are not as fortunate to have parents who push them, support them, and provide them with the supplies they need to succeed or are unable to afford it for a multitude of reasons. 

I am raising money through a GoFundMe page to go out and buy school supplies for those who can’t afford it or simply just don’t have the means so we can help teachers fulfill their classroom wishlists. I know how hard teachers work to benefit these kids and even use their own money. I would like to do my part and help out as well! 

Although I don’t believe in everything the school system is trying to do lately, but I don’t think we should take it out on the kids!

This will be my 3rd year doing this fundraiser. For the past 2 years, I have provided 150+ backpacks to kids in need by working with local organizations that focus on kids in need!

ALSO, if you are a teacher or know a teacher who deserves some extra love, you can nominate a teacher to have items on their classroom wish list fulfilled CLICK HERE

Within this fundraiser, you can also have a chance to win some awesome prizes! Head over to the GoFundMe Page to see more details and help change these kiddos’ lives!

“Turning Point USA is one of the greatest student organizations that we have in America that is fighting for Western ideals.”

- Candace Owens