Demi Lovato Says Stop Complimenting Weight Loss

This past week, Demi Lovato COMPLETELY lost her marbles…
And before you start jumping to conclusions, it’s not about whatever “sexuality” she discovered this month.
As long as she isn’t taxing me, infringing on my rights or shoving it in my face, I’m WAYYY too busy to be butthurt about who Demi Lovato gets affectionate with!
*YUCK* And frankly, EVERY American should not be so bored that they let Demi Lovato’s love interest affect them…
MY ISSUE is Demi Lovato’s PSA that calls for people to NOT compliment others on their weight loss…
Do we really live in a world where we are TOO AFRAID to compliment each other because it might be offensive?
Here’s the thing, people need to just get thicker skin. Instead of worrying about how your compliment may be taken grossly out of context, just compliment them AND MOVE ON.
Being nice to people isn’t that complicated, Demi Lovato! So please, for the love of everything sacred, DON’T SCREW up kindness too, Hollywood!