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Charlie Kirk Kicks Off His ‘Exposing Critical Racism Tour’

Turning Point USA has committed to fight exhaustively in this culture war to reclaim long-lost moralistic values in this country and combat the left’s constant attacks to upend American civil liberties and ethical standards. One such standard is recognized within the United States Constitution: “all men are created equal,” for which we promote and live out for the betterment of ourselves and this country. However, some people still don’t adhere to such sentiments, which is no better showcased than in creating and forming one of the left’s most revered ideologies – Critical Race Theory, also known as “CRT.” 

This is of grave import for us to defeat, which is why we on the right side of history have battle-hardened warriors – warriors meant for this very moment in time and such a fight. One such individual is Turning Point USA’s founder and CEO, Charlie Kirk. He has booked visits to eight major universities around the United States for his highly anticipated “Exposing Critical Racism Tour,” for which he will be attacking and debunking the core tenants and central pillars of CRT. The list of universities he will be attending, as well as the dates he will be attending them, are as follows:

1. University of Michigan – 10/4

2. Minnesota State University-Mankato – 10/5

3. Baylor University – 10/13

4. University of Vermont – 10/18

5. Boise State University – 10/25

6. University of Oregon – 10/27

7. Clemson University – 11/1

8. University of Alabama – 11/3

Although a laborious task, it is indeed a necessary one, as our society has devolved into a segregationist regressive state, particularly on our college campuses. They have become places notably known to be the fresh manure for the growth of such a thorny, poisonous weed known as the infamously racist CRT. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is indeed a racist concept, not to mention a considerably divisive one.

The stated objectives for proponents of this despicable concept are to “educate” impressionable, malleable minds, to not only accept the premise that America was founded upon racism but that America is inherently racist. It claims to grant certain rights and privileges to whites, all the while excluding minority people of varying racial lines. Thus, this creates a Marxist system of “us vs. them,” promoting one of the left’s favorite pastimes – causing contention between various people, pushing them to create factions and subgroups, then dividing them into “victims” and “perpetrators.” The end result? Deeply ensconced divides of epic proportions. This is evidently seen, and its effects on our culture and our country have proven destructive and counterproductive to the America we have come to know and love.

And you wonder why Charlie Kirk is initiating an eight college/university tour to expose the diabolical tenants of CRT?

This is much needed in this day and age, as we have a culture war to win and a country to course-correct. This is why we must throw our support behind Charlie Kirk, as he takes up the mantle to fight these proponents on their home turfs. As he floods these leftist bastions of America with facts, stats, and data, aimed to red-pill even the most ardent supporters of this destructive ideology, we must stand in solidarity with his push to educate the masses. As he attacks CRT, tears down other sacred liberal doctrinal belief systems, and disrupts the “safe spaces” of the radically indoctrinated, all while providing solution-based proposals for thoughtful consideration, let us all respect, applaud, and salute this “army of one.” A Rambo-like invasion of these leftist indoctrination camps to invalidate, dismantle piece by piece, and decimate the remains of the sacred golden calf of the left – CRT.

“I want to congratulate Turning Point because you’re creating a change that will affect us for decades.”

- Rudy Giuliani