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Baby Carrier Company Attacked AGAIN

THE SAGA CONTINUES! You guys, wow. I thought it was crazy that I had to even cover the story of the baby carrier company, Solly Baby, getting attacked last week.

As a reminder, the company released a new carrier style, “The Loop,” to hold older and heavier babies. This product received massive praise from moms who loved the original wrap carrier but had no alternatives when their babies outgrew it.

As usual, the Loop received backlash from a loud but small minority of online social justice warriors claiming the launch of the Loop did not give proper credit to black women, indigenous women, and other women of color who have historically used this technique to hold their babies. The outraged mob claimed that women of color carried their babies wrapped on their chest long before Solly Baby, owned by a white woman, decided to sell the product.

Solly Baby’s first response was a post from their team explaining how sorry they were to see so many in the “BIPOC and babywearing communities” upset and offended by the launch of the product:

When I saw this “pause” post a week ago, I rushed to write about it for TPUSA Live. And now, we are seeing this situation get even worse for this poor baby company.

A few days after the “pause” post, the founder of Solly Baby posted this video to apologize and attempt to explain she had no ill-intent in her launch of the product:

But, you guessed it–this was not enough for the insatiable mob. Even though the founder admitted she made mistakes and was very sorry, the woke mob doubled down on their attacks. They shamed her for “playing the victim” as a white woman rather than apologizing to the women of color who were offended in the first place.

Then came the next apology. (Keep in mind, this is just a baby carrier company!!!!) This is what we need to pay attention to. Look how ridiculous the message in the caption is:

Yep, you read that right. Let’s review:

“I can see that I centered myself in the apology and on my own emotional weight rather than the emotional burden placed upon the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color I have offended. I am deeply sorry that in my defensive attempts to explain myself, I made it about me instead of you. I can see how that was dismissive of the apology. That was not my intention, but I can see it was the impact.

“I was also informed that using the acronym BIPOC should only be done in writing, not in speaking, which we will be mindful of in the future.”

Is it just me, or are we reaching a point of straight-up Maoism, where we send criminals of “wrong-thought” to the public square to learn their lesson until they fully commit to Chairman Mao’s ways?

What I found most disturbing were the overly-sappy praises that the founder finally received from the woke mob as soon as she apologized for the third time in the way they demanded.

Here are a few of the comments I’m talking about:

“This whole situation has taught me a lot about anti-racism. Thank you for listening to your community and helping me and other white women learn about the history of babywearing and more about inclusivity and appropriation. These convos are hard but necessary. Thank you to your company’s BIPOC community for taking the time and burden of helping us learn to be better.

“This is the apology that I knew you were capable of… Good for your for arriving at this place, even though it was tough… This is the work that so many companies bulldoze over to continue profiting off of inequality. You should be proud of yourself, know that it doesn’t stop here, but know that you are supported on your journey.”

I’m sorry, but that kind of rhetoric absolutely freaks me out. Am I alone on this!? Can you guys also sense the insanely weird feeling that they are saying, “good job, little one, now that you’ve bowed to us, we will be on your side, but remember, we can just as easily turn on you again if you upset us!”

The condescending tone and superiority complex the woke mob consistently portrays is ridiculous! It just goes to show that you’ll never please them. Even their “praises” of the Solly Baby founder were back-handed compliments about the “journey” she is on to become “anti-racist.”

Sometimes it’s better to let ’em hate than suffer from the continuous humiliation they consistently invoke.

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