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A Message To Leftists Consumed With Hatred For Gay Conservatives

The abuse that the far-left LGBT has for gay conservatives gets more vile and vulgar the more open and prominent we become! Look at the comments in this tweet from NBC News looking for gay conservative voices for an upcoming article. To the leftists consumed with hatred and disgust for gay conservatives, such a request should be forbidden. 

Mind you; these are the same people who want to remind you how “tolerant and inclusive” they are. These comments and many more like them only show that the so-called tolerance and inclusivity only extends to those whose political leanings they share.

Many conservative-leaning gays and lesbians remain silent about how far-left the LGBT movement has become regarding “trans” children, taxpayer-funded gender reassignment surgery, and the overwhelming embrace of socialist propaganda. They’re too afraid to be on the receiving end of the abuse aimed at those of us who have decided to go public.

But it’s not just gay conservatives who get this kind of pushback. Women, Blacks, Latinos, Asians, and EVERY OTHER GROUP who dares not to subscribe to leftist ideology deals with this kind of hatred as well. I get questions from so many people in these groups who want to know how to deal with their pushback.

To them, I say: keep doing you. Keep standing up for what you believe in, and never let the bullies force you back into *any* closet, political or otherwise.

To the bitter, mean, radical LGBT leftists who get a sense of solidarity and identity from ostracizing gay conservatives, I say: you should be thankful. It’s we who are guarding the mainstream acceptance gays and lesbians have fought so hard for.

What you’re doing is eroding the decades worth of progress made by pushing far-left LGBT agendas that are out of step with most Americans’ values – gay AND straight. Not only are we saving America – we’re saving YOUR your right to free speech… even if you use that right to tell the world how much you hate us.

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- Senator Ted Cruz