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UNL Professor Doxxes TPUSA Students in Personal Blog

A Chemistry Professor at the University of Nebraska Lincoln just doxxed students on his online personal blog.

Professor Gerard Harrison released a list of Turning Point USA members onto his Twitter account and personal blog, stating future employers should “take note” of the students. He later said he believes TPUSA “funded some of the terrorists who stormed the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.”

William Beck, the TPUSA Chapter President at UNL, is calling for a public apology from the professor: “Professor Harbison’s salary comes from taxpayer dollars. His abhorrent behavior is not only blatantly partisan but endangers the very principles that UNL allegedly adheres to. As President of TurningPoint USA at UNL, I publicly call on Professor Harbison to apologize for endangering and alienating the very people that he is supposed to be supporting.”

Harbison also attacked another club on campus, Ratio Christi, for seeing legal action against the University. When Ratio Christi applied for funds for a speaking engagement, the University stipulated that different viewpoints must be heard. Alliance Defending Freedom is now taking on the case.

“I want to congratulate Turning Point because you’re creating a change that will affect us for decades.”

- Rudy Giuliani