SMASH Episode 2 Recap: Crushing Cancel Culture

Welcome, my fellow Smashers!
For those of you who’ve missed it, episode 2 of my show SMASH aired last Wednesday, addressing the issues of cancel culture. This concept was initially intended as a good thing for society to showcase what is morally unacceptable within any particular society and culture. Yet, of course, the Left has taken it and perverted it, and now cancel culture is nothing more than mob rule. It is meant to intimidate the morally upright into subjugation into their debaucherous ways. The mob attacks the legacies of both the living and the dead, showcasing that NO ONE is safe, nor is our history. Not even our brave founding fathers are exempt from the ire of the vulture known as cancel culture, as it picks at the legacies of even an esteemed group of patriots.
It’s safe to surmise then, since this mob is fickle, as they even attack our most esteemed founders of America, that the cancel culture vultures will come after the rest of us in due time. Are we so egotistical to think we can live above the fray in this current culture while others are being canceled on a whim? If those who came before were canceled for reasons that amount to hurt feelings, it’s safe to say our prior improprieties warrant the expectations of a similar fate.
Ladies and gentlemen, let’s make this perfectly clear – the mob is not our friend, and this whimsically destructive brand of cancel culture is nothing to be trifled with. While it may appear to be alluring, to participate in this wantonly diabolical Leftist ritual is folly. Cancel culture is always looking for some form of legacy to destroy at the behest of the mob -which WILL eventually turn on you too.
Tune into episode 3 of SMASH on Wednesday at 7 PM ET / 4PM PT right here, on TPUSA LIVE.