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Thanks to the support of 400,000 grassroots patriots, Turning Point USA reaches and impacts millions of students on campus and online. Please consider joining our cause with a tax deductible gift today!

Chapter Documents
Chapter Documents


Turning Point USA at [SCHOOL NAME] Constitution




Section I. Name

The name of this organization shall be Turning Point USA at [SCHOOL NAME]

Section II. Mission Statement


Turning Point USA’s mission is to educate students about the importance of fiscal responsibility, free markets, and constitutional rights through innovative campus activism and non-partisan, thought-provoking discussion. This is done with the use of provided academic resources which include: weekly activism pamphlets, short videos, free of charge contributor speeches, and in person support by TPUSA staff.

Section III. School Registration

The organization shall be independent in its decision-making in accordance with the national Turning Point USA organization. The Executive Board will register the Club or apply for its recognition as a registered student organization.


Section I Voting Members

Membership in the club shall be open to all full-time and part-time [SCHOOL NAME] students who have attended at least one meeting and remain in good standing with the national organization and school.

Section II Associate Members

Associate membership in the organization shall be open to any individual who demonstrates an interest and willingness to support the purposes and objectives of the Club but does not attend the school. Associate members may take part in all activities and privileges of the club, though are not permitted to vote or hold officer positions.

All membership shall be determined without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, veteran status, handicap status, or disability.


Section I. Governance

The affairs of the Club shall be managed by its Officers. Officers shall have the general power to manage and control the affairs and property of the Club, adopt rules and regulations governing the actions and activities of the Club, and delegate its authority to officers or committees.

Section II. Positions

The Club shall comprise an odd number of officers with no fewer than three serving at a given time. This will include; President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Additional positions may be created as is deemed necessary and voted on by the Club.

Section III. Tenure and Elections

Elections shall be held between December 1st and January 31st of each calendar year. Officers must make the names of officer candidates available to all voting members, no less than one week prior to the election. Officers shall serve one calendar year beginning on the day of their election.

Section IV. Duties of Officers

Duties of Club officers include, but are not limited to:


  • Preside over meetings
  • Coordinate all activities within the chapter
  • Act as a liaison between the chapter and outside entities
  • Attend school function which require a club representative
  • Work with other officers to determine the overall direction of the Club
  • Report to the national organization
  • Appoint members to officer positions in the event of resignation or removal before the next election cycle

Vice President:

  • Carry out any duties of the President in the event of the President’s inability to carry them out
  • Replace the President in the event of the President’s removal or resignation
  • Maintain decorum at meetings
  • Work with the other officers to create a schedule of events and activities:


  • Maintain a list of all active members and sign-ups
  • Keep minutes of meetings
  • Maintain chapter documents
  • Write weekly emails to inform and remind members of general news and upcoming calendar items


  • Serve as a signatory on the chapter’s bank account
  • Manage the finances of the club
  • Ensure debts are paid on time
  • Work with other officers to prepare budgetary and fundraising plans

Media Director:

  • Disseminate media advisories before and media advisories after each event
  • Take pictures and record videos to help the chapter earn media coverage
  • Maintain a full list of local media
  • Maintain social media accounts

Section V. Removal of Officers:

Officers may be removed from their position by a majority vote of the remaining officers AND a 3/4 vote by voting members in the Club. In the event of an officer removal or resignation, the vacancy shall be filled by an appointment made by the remaining officers.

Section IV. Meetings.

The Club shall have meetings no less than once a month and more often as the Club officers deem necessary.

Meetings must comprise of, at minimum, (1) academic activism theme discussion per meeting.


Section I. Books and Records

The Club shall keep correct and complete books and records of financial accounts, and also shall keep minutes of the proceedings of its membership meetings.


Section 1. Amendments to Constitution

This Constitution may be altered, or amended and new Bylaws may be adopted by the affirmative vote of 67% or higher of the officers and 75% or higher of all voting members in attendance. Officers wishing to amend the Constitution must inform all members of a vote no less than two weeks prior to the vote.

Section II. Club Requirements

Regardless of changes to the Constitution, the following must remain:

  • At least three officer positions, consisting of President, Secretary, and Treasurer must exist.
  • Officer elections must be held between December 1st and January 31st of each calendar year with officers serving for one year.

“Charlie is leading the way with young people at Turning Point USA.”

- Kimberly Guilfoyle