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Russel Brand ROASTS Bill Gates COVID-19 Vaccine Hypocrisy In SAVAGE TikTok

Russel Brand is the most recent celebrity to break free from the constraints of Hollywood group-think. 

In case you missed it on today’s episode of POPLitics, Russel Brand CALLED OUT people who say we shouldn’t listen to Joe Rogan’s opinion on vaccines because he’s “not a doctor”, but have no problem taking Bill Gates’ opinion in a SAVAGE TikTok. 

Watch his video ROASTING the hypocrisy here:

Russel sees the nasty discrepancies between Billy having total authority over vaccine talk while NO ONE can criticise or question him. Doesn’t the scientific method encourage questioning? Wouldn’t a scientist want questions and challenges if it might improve what they are doing? WHY WON’T YOU LISTEN BILLY?? 

Gates shouldn’t get a pass while Joe Rogan is slammed because he’s “not a doctor”. The whole “follow the science” crowd in Hollywood and big business should be called out. Truth has no political affiliation. 

I love it when people, especially those who aren’t conservatives, call out leftist lunacy. This goes to prove that not ALL of Hollywood is brain dead, but many of them just refuse to share their intellectual honesty out of fear.

More celebrities need to speak the truth when they see it. What is it to gain the world when you lose truth in the process?  The heart of science is questioning. See truth, speak truth.

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- Former White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders