Thanks to the support of 380,000+ grassroots patriots, Turning Point USA reaches and impacts millions of students on campus and online. Please consider joining our cause with a tax deductible gift today!
Finally, freedom is ringing from coast-to-coast and sending shockwaves across all 50 states like never before. No more mandates. No more indoctrination. No more tyranny. American students are rising up and overthrowing the mainstream Leftist narrative on high school and college campuses, and establishing a new American patriotism. The radical Left tried crushing the American spirit and failed…
The time to rise is now!
America’s Leftist leaders have failed their constituents, and the era of false promises is over. Parents are retaking control of America’s largest systems and institutions—by standing up to school boards across the Nation. It’s time to rise up and save our country from the horrible betrayal committed by the radical Left, and establish a new wave of American patriots. Rise up and save America—our children are depending on us!
Students, parents, and all American patriots are standing together, fighting for freedom against Leftist schools and institutions, demanding that their Constitutional rights are protected and celebrated. The time is now to RISE UP and TAKE BACK the power from Big Gov for FREEDOM!
Get involved, stay informed, and hear more stories from brave student activists and patriots just like you!