Why Your Church Needs To Talk About Cultural Issues
We live in a culture that is trying to grab hold of the next generation and indoctrinate them into a specific ideology and belief system. You see this in schools, media, the workplace, and almost every aspect of American society.
The most degenerate aspect of this infiltration, is the way woke culture has continuously attempted to lure children in. Drag queen story hours at schools and public libraries, curriculums sexualizing each lesson plan. Society tells people that living in sexually deviant ways is liberating, it tells people that gender is a social construct. Radical social justice is used to vilify individuals and law enforcement, killing babies is “healthcare” and Christianity is under attack. The church has sat on the sideline for too long, and it is time to get involved.
The church and numerous religious leaders have cowered. It’s a shame, and in all honesty, it’s not Biblical.
If the church and it’s leaders aren’t going to speak up about these things that are clearly anti-Biblical and a plague to our society, the next generation will be brought up in the cult of self-love and radical progressivism.
Do you ever wonder why we are living in such confusing times?
1 Corinthians 14:33
“For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.”
Satan is named the Author of Confusion. God, however, is a God of order. Satan wants to take foundational truths and replace them with subjective truths. Jesus is the Way, the Truth & the Life. Satan is the way to destruction, emptiness, depression, anxiety and eternal separation from your Creator. Anything that causes uncertainty does not come from God.
Gender-change, abortion, righteousness, sexual immorality and other sinful actions are clearly defined by our Creator in His Word. These topics and cultural issues shouldn’t be confusing for Christ followers. The reason these topics confuse Christians is also die to the fact that they are not properly equipped. Shepards (pastors) are meant to guide their flock (congregation) through tumultuous times, but they have shied away.
So many Christians believe that to be loving, you cannot be “offensive” which just means we can no longer tell the truth, or preach the Gospel. NEWSFLASH! The Gospel is countercultural and offensive (in worldly terms) but it produces life to the fullest extent. So many pastors don’t want to lose money or support by becoming what is now perceived to be “political.” It’s downright cowardice. Our generation is starving for truth on how to combat these issues but many churches and their leaders has remained silent.
The extremely effective argument from the left says that the church has no business discussing current political-social issues, this argument aims to make you subservient to their radical whims. These people want you to find your identity in their community and their ideology, not in Christ.
Here’s how you respond to people that say the church has no right to talk about politics because it violates the separation of church and state:
God talks about the issues concerning immorality as a Biblical and religious topic, not as some form of political statement. These subjects today are societal/cultural issues. Calling them “political” is simply a manipulative way to silence the church and make members of the congregation believe that God should be on the sidelines when these ideological discussions arise.
Our nation was founded upon and influenced by Judeo-Christian values. We clearly need more God right now. Not less.
This is the time to start taking initiative and personal responsibility. Obviously, your pastor and church elders should be leading you according to God’s Word. On the other hand, you need to be reading and studying the Word of God so you are equipped. This is a two-way street. You can’t go to the Pearly Gates at the end of your life and claim, “But my pastor didn’t tell me about sexual immorality, that social justice is contrary to Biblical justice, that killing the unborn is murder, etc.” You have to do your part while you encourage your leaders to lead you in a courageous, Godly way during these times.
If your church is not living up to these standards, here’s a little piece of advice:
Want order, value and fulfillment? Turn to Jesus. He’ll clear up the confusion and give you the peace you’re desperately searching for because again, He is the way, the truth and the life.