The Scary Truth about Sanctuary Cities

In recent years, it has become increasingly evident that many American cities are grappling with a host of challenges. Rising crime rates, deteriorating infrastructure, and skyrocketing costs of living are just a few of the issues plaguing urban centers across the nation. Cities that were once the pinnacle of the American Dream have become a dire warning to the rest of the nation about what happens when progressive ideologies are embraced to the fullest extent.
Eleven states consider themselves “sanctuaries” for illegal immigrants and advertise a refusal to cooperate with federal immigration agencies and deportation orders. Each state is also comprised of several “sanctuary cities,” the most notable of which, is New York City and Chicago.
While it is important to acknowledge that not all major cities face the same challenges, a pattern has emerged that is hard to ignore. There is a growing sense that the policies implemented to champion “social justice” causes and create “inclusive communities” may be directly contributing to the decline of American cities. For example, after several months of welcoming hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to the Big Apple, New York City Mayor Eric Adams said that sanctuary city policies, left unchanged, would “destroy New York City,” by depleting resources.
These policies have created a culture of dependency on government programs, and in the wise words of the late Ronald Reagan, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”
To combat government dependency and embrace policies that incentivize hard work and flourishing communities, conservatives need to come together to celebrate the values and traditions that made this nation great.
Join Turning Point USA as we strive to uphold and spread American principles with like-minded conservatives around the country at our annual conference, AmericaFest, in Phoenix, Arizona from December 16-19.