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The Latest Victim of #MeToo – Dave Portnoy Calls on Public to Cancel ‘Business Insider’ By Purchasing His Pizza

The “Salem Rape Trials” are in full effect!

You see, during the Salem Witch Trials, if you didn’t like someone in the village, all you had to do was arbitrarily accuse them of being a witch, and PRESTO, the mere accusation had a high probability of ruining their life – permanently. Fast forward time to this day and age, we are swapping witches with cis-white males who commit the audacious crime of having consensual sex. Yes, that’s right, folks, step right on up, tell us which white man you hate, and we WILL find someone who can scream foul and cry rape against them! Once the #MeToo movement and cancel culture get rolling, there is no stopping such a strong locomotive force. So, ladies and gentlemen, step right on up and ruin someone’s life today! 

This is exactly what writer/journalist Julia Black of Business Insider has irreverently done. She reached out to every person associated with Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy until she found a pair of women with a juicy enough story willing to cry foul play. According to Business Insider, he committed unwanted rough sex with one of the women who was “literally screaming in pain….” However, Portnoy decisively dismisses all accusations as blatant conspiratorial lies and a smear campaign that was meant to do nothing more than to defame and decry him as a sexual predator, which has been in the works for 8 months. One such reporter from Business Insider reached out to as many people associated with him as they possibly could, seeking anything of character assassinating substance. Portnoy says he has reached out to the company and requested an interview using their cameras and recorders and having as many people there as they deem fit; however, as he puts it, they have the “print and run” mentality. Business Insider has said that they are willing to discuss the matter with him, but he has “refused to comment so far.”

Herein lies the problem with two aspects that have gone unchecked, the issue of “regrettable sex” within the #MeToo movement and how it’s a direct result of “hook up culture” within the same movement. 

In an era where the left has made it a point to encourage all licentiousness and moral decadence, situations like this are bound to happen. Hook-up culture has been the prevailing notion on both the left and the right, as showcased here in the case of Dave and his past sexual flings now turned #MeToo weapons (which, make no mistake, is EXACTLY what they are – weapons). But the problem at the stem of this whole debacle goes deeper than surface allegations and denials but to the moral decline of sexual modesty and chastity. Due to hook-up cultures’ allure for the sexually inclined, the mere nature of regrettable sex will naturally take its toll on its participants. The nature of their sexual interactions and conversations with him prior to their meet showcases their willingness to engage in unbridled sex, as they open up about their more debasing sexual fantasies to a man who they barely knew – one who was all too willing to fulfill said desires.

Oh no, ladies and gentlemen, while I deeply sympathize with Mr. Portnoy and his plight of being the target of a “seek and destroy” mission, I can’t let him off the hook for his role in this situation.

Ignoring all warning signs and hooking up with damaged women for the sake of debaucherous sex can have its own set of consequences, as shown in this case. “But…but…,” you state, “how was he to know these women would turn on him so far in the future?” Well, he wouldn’t. Though exercising prudence and showcasing temperance by simply not giving in to such desires prevents pitfalls like this from ever occurring. This is certainly not to say we all have not done something some time or another that is of questionable nature (as I know I have), but this should serve as a lesson for us all moving forward to exercise a bit more moral prudence and temperance, especially when it comes to reacting to our base desires.

Anyway, I digress…

Despite the morals in question of a man who has lived lasciviously due to his single availability, it certainly gives NO ONE (including Julia Black) the right to try to damage his reputation for the sake of personal vainglory. Trying to destroy a person’s life, livelihood, and future as a targeted campaign for the arbitrary whims of leftist amusement is about as immoral as it gets. This leftist apparatus has taken on a mind and heartbeat of its own and seeks to delve into the pasts of all those who they deem undesirable for the purpose of widespread opprobrium. This is all exacerbated by the fact that typically those who are “MeToo’ed” oftentimes are dragged through public squares, as the victim of the #MeToo movement then goes on an apology tour, bending the proverbial knee in efforts to appease the woke mob, oftentimes (if not all) to no avail.

However, not Dave, as he has publicly stated he will not bow to cancel culture (as well he shouldn’t), as he now seeks the support of the public to stand with him and fight back against this cancel culture vulture that has been mobilized against him. The left is seeking to ruin his life, so let’s stand up for this hard-working American by purchasing his Barstool “One Bite” pizza being sold at Walmart, as well as severing all ties to the publication that promoted this hit piece against him – Business Insider.    

This, my friends, is how we take our power back – by standing up to these leftist bullies that wish to destroy a man’s life in the name of “progressivism.” Long live Barstool Sports, and long live its founder, Dave Portnoy!

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- Former White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders