Spain’s Minister of Equality says Children have a Right to Sexual Education, To have Relations With “Whomever” They Choose

Spain’s Minister of Equality, Irene Montero, has been harshly criticized by many in the country becasue of comments she made, alleging that children “have the right” to have sexual relations with “whomever they want,” — so long as it’s “consensual.”
“Because all the boys, the girls, the children of this country, have the right to get to know their own bodies . . . [children] have the right to know that they can love or have sexual relations with whomever they want to . . . “
Irene Montero
Many Deputies on this committee were understandable outraged by her statements, and are wondering where she fell under the idea that children have the ability or “right” to consent. Montero’s was quickly met with fiery and sharp backhanded comments. Carla Toscano, Deputy for the conservative party, Vox, stated: “This is corruption of minors and apology for pedophilia.” Finally, some common-sense.
A child does not have the ability to consent to relations with an adult, it is not within their rights as a minor, despite the Equality Minister’s comments. Legally speaking, any adult who engages in a sexual act with a minor (anyone under 16 years of age in Spain, which is still unbelivably young) is subject to Article 181 of the Spanish Penal code, “Whoever offends against the sexual freedom of another person, using violence or intimidation, shall be punished for sexual assault with a sentence of imprisonment from one to five years.”
Considering the wild and outrageous claims made by Montero, many Spanish families with are now feeling alarmed, and rightfully so. There are still so many parents who do not want their children exposed to these wildly radical “progressive” new policies.
“Of course, all Spaniards, and especially those families with small children, have reasons to feel alarmed that a person who proves to have lost [her] mind occupies a ministry in Spain and even has the power to decide the contents that are they impose on children in schools. It is urgent to protect children against the increasingly crazy occurrences of this government.”
Counting Stars — Spanish News Outlet
This is a classic example of government overreach, officials have worked to interrupt familial roles for decades, and destroy the relationship between parent and child. They aim to destroy childhood innocence, and remove any and all boundaries that are meat to protect them. Progressives don’t care about long-term outcomes, it is time we do our job and fight back against the radical, globalist plot to currupt children.