Riot Police Deployed During Anti-TPUSA Protest At UNM

Last night, Turning Point USA CEO and founder, Charlie Kirk held a speaking event at the University of New Mexico (UNM) where he was met with a mob of protesters who shared that they were there to “shut down” the event in opposition of so-called “white supremacy.”
A large group of university students mixed with black-clad ANTIFA members chanted, “blood, blood, blood is in their hands,” while holding signs that read “Shut Down White Supremacy.”
Attendees of the event were trying to make their way into the building but struggled to walk through the large mass of angry protesters.
“Antifa and associated radical left-wing group Party for Socialism and Liberation have advanced toward the guest entrance of tonight’s event and prevented guests from entering.”
Frontlines reporter Kalen D’Alameida
Protesters began their demonstration in front of the main entrance to Kirk’s event but eventually made their way to an alternate entrance where they began using pots and pans to slam on the windows.
Their protest continued for about an hour before a large group of riot police were deployed.
The protesters tried to stand off against the advancing officers who repeatedly yelled, “move back, move back.” Officers began pushing protesters who refused to move, resulting in two protesters grabbing their batons. They were both arrested.
After the arrests, the crowd continued to scream but quickly stopped trying to fight police, as two of their “comrades,” were hauled off.
Kirk then made an appearance to say hello to the protesters, at which point they met him with an array of colorful remarks such as “you f*cking white supremacist.”