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Parents Outraged by New Jersey Public School’s New Sex-Ed Standards, “Harmful and Offensive”

There are specific topics that I as an adult do not even want to discuss at times because of the vulgar subject nature — which is exactly why certain things need to be bought to parent’s attention. If adults feel uncomfortable discussing a topic, we should all be able to agree that is shouldn’t be taught in a classroom setting to children, but sadly, not everyone does.

Fox News recently reported that New Jersey public schools have implemented new sex-education standards that parents are calling, “harmful and offensive.”

“By eighth grade, according to the New Jersey standards, students should ‘describe pregnancy testing, the signs of pregnancy, and pregnancy options, including parenting, abortion, and adoption;’ and ‘Define vaginal, oral, and anal sex.'”

Fox News

One New Jersey mother whose child attends Berkley Heights School District told Fox News that it was incredibly difficult to track down the exact curriculum, which is a common problem that parents around the country have. Schools have been criticized before for making learning materials unbelievably hard to access, in hopes that most parents can’t or won’t spend the time sifting through the red tape. The district’s superintendent claimed all parents have the ability to view to the curriculum, but said nothing of the hoops caretakers have to jump through in order to gain access to it.

“‘I had to send quite a few emails and figure out who is in charge and teaching what to get to this point,’ she said, adding that it is ‘a lot of work for most parents.'”

Fox News

Berkley Heights School District Superintended, Dr. Melissa Varley, claimed that under the law, all schools in New Jersey are required in implement the curriculum, and failure to do so could result in the school losing state or federal funding.

That being said, there are ways for parents to opt-out of the curriculum all together, but many parents may not even know that they have the ability to do so because of the vague actions of the state’s Department of Education. Directions to opt-out were allegedly announced at public school board meetings, but there was no mention of districts directly contacting parents to inform them of their rights in the situation. The parents only would have known about the option to decline the radical and hyper-sexualized curriculum if they happened to attend the public meeting, or if they read through the entire law law themselves — which most parents simply do not have the time to do.

“Under [New Jersey Statutes Annotated] 18A:35-4.7, for children to be excused from any part of instruction in health, family life, or sex education, their parent or guardian must inform the school principal in writing that the instruction conflicts with their conscience or sincerely held moral or religious beliefs.”

Spokesperson for the New Jersey Department of Education

The public education sector of our country has grown increasingly arrogant, they believe it is their right to raise your children, and you shouldn’t have the right to ask questions. In fact, when parents do ask questions, they are labeled “domestic terrorists” and banned from future school board meetings.

“All I’m asking for is transparency and accountability.”

New Jersey mother whose child attends Berkley Heights School District

In states across the country parent’s rights have been diminished by what I’ll dub “Big-Ed.” Parents in Washington State, for example, do not even have the right to know if the school psychiatrist prescribes medications ranging from hormone treatments to anti-depressants. Then there was the Georgia mother, who was shouted down for being “inappropriate” at her local school board meeting while reading a book that is offered in school libraries, available to all ages.

School Board Member Patsy Jordan: “we have children at home, that’s live-streaming—”

Mother: “Don’t you find the irony in that? You’re exactly saying exactly what I’m telling you! You’re giving it to our children! I would never give this to my children!”

Again, you would hope that if adults don’t want to discuss a topic in public, then it wouldn’t be taught in classrooms, or be made available to students of all ages in school libraries — but there are some twisted people who don’t see the evil in that.

Our public schools have been neglected for too long, and yes it would be ideal if all parents could send their children to private schools or home school them, there are so many working families that do not have that ability. We cannot abandon public school children to this disgusting indoctrination, we need to remain vigilant and provide the resources parents need to stand up and speak out in their communities.

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