Mother Loses Custody of Her Child for Disapproving Gender Transition
Jannette Cooper, a Chicago mother and teacher, lost custody of her child after being reluctant to accept her daughter’s desired to transition from female to male.
Sofia, a 12-year old biological girl, suddenly decided that she was now a “he” and wished to be addressed with he/him pronouns. Sofia’s decision was made after she spent just one short day with her father and step-mother for a regular custodial visit, and after the visit refused to return to her mother’s home. Up until this point, Jannette had retained custody of Sofia 6 days and 7 nights a week.
Jannette was shocked with her daughter’s sudden request, stating in an interview covered by IWF that she “never exhibited signs of gender dysphoria” prior. Despite raising Sofia “outside the confines of traditional sex stereotypes” Jannette claimed that her daughter displayed many more feminine characteristics than she did at Sofia’s age.
In addition to dressing in a unisex way and blurring the lines of observable gender cues, Jannette also claims to be a radical feminist who leans fairly far-left. This however, did not stop the radicalized leftist court system from taking away her most basic parental right: seeing her child.
Once Sofia claimed to feel “unsafe” in the custody of her mother, the courts, Jannette’s ex-husband, and family therapists all began the process of eroding her rights to her only daughter. This, all because Jannette encouraged Sofia to embrace her biological sex. Jannette’s ex-husband went so far as to claim in court documents that Sofia was “no longer mentally or emotionally safe” in her mother’s custody.
Of course, we have witnessed many examples of children who have “transitioned” either socially or worse, medically, to the opposite sex who deeply regret it later in life. A medical transition can not only lead to decreased body function, but can also prevent some individuals from ever bearing children. A parent’s role is to protect children from this sort of harm, not engage with it or encourage it.
“Clearly I’m not complying with this concept that ‘good parenting’ means you affirm a child’s idea that there is something wrong with them. I’m not willing to do that.” Janette said during her interview.
Three years after Sofia’s initial decision, Jannette does not have even partial custody of her daughter, and has even lost her visitation rights. Now, the only communication she is allowed to have with Sofia is through mail, though she lives just 10 minutes away.
Regarding the role Sofia’s therapist played, Jannette said, “It is unfortunate that we are teaching children that a word will cause them to commit suicide.”
Society at large and “therapists” now claim that to call a child by their birth name (“deadnaming”), such as, “Sofia” as opposed her preferred name, “Ash” will somehow cause that child severe emotional trauma. This is not only deeply deceptive, but the notion also teaches children that they are weak and do not have the capacity to face minimal opposition to their worldview without resorting to self harm or suicide.
Treating people with gender dysphoria as if they are so emotionally fragile is, according leftists, the inclusive way to go about understanding transgenderism. That is why the military has to encourage “proper pronoun” use for soldiers. Even someone who would willingly sign up for war cannot fathom being misgendered.
More recently, a Berkeley Law professor spoke at a Congressional hearing and claimed that merely questioning the backwards transgender ideology “opens up trans people to violence.” The professor then unintentionally elaborated on the kind of “violence” that trans people were exposed to when she stated, “one out of five transgender persons have attempted suicide,” not “one in five transgender people are attacked for their identity.”
The point she didn’t mean to make is by far the most important thing she said. Transgender ideology cannot be scrutinized, because words are violence. Criticism, or even hesitancy to embrace the belief system is interpreted as abuse.
When we fully accept as a society that words are in fact a form of violence is when parents lose the right to see their children. That is when we spiral into insanity, if we haven’t already.
Sofia now uses xe/xyr/xyrs “pronouns” and will grow up without knowing the love her mother has for her. The crime here was committed against her, and all other children that are conditioned into this ideology by parents, teachers or public figures. The damage that transgender doctrine will cause is unquantifiable.