LEAKED EMAIL: “White Student Accountability” Meeting Hosted by the University of South Carolina
Turning Point USA obtained an internal email published by the College of Social Work at the University of South Carolina urging students to attend the university’s first “White Student Accountability Group.”
According to the event description, Social Work students would “recognize their contribution” to racism, find ways to use their “privilege” for change, and learn the skills to host their own “White Accountability Groups.”
The “White Student Accountability Group” aligns with the University of South Carolina’s College online statement, “In Solidarity,” pledging to end the university’s complicit persecution of the Black community.
Signed by twenty-three faculty members, “In Solidarity” states:
As part of our pledge of solidarity, we recognize white privilege and silence contributes to the horrific racial inequities and we commit to fostering growth of our critical consciousness so that we cease to be complicit in the persecution of the Black community.
In Solidarity, University of South Carolina
The University of South Carolina also promises to emphasize anti-racist education “for leaders at all levels” and “build a critical consciousness about racial inequity.”
The president of TPUSA’s student chapter at the University of South Carolina has reacted to the “White Student Accountability Group” to Turning Point USA, stating:
“It’s just very sad and disappointing that the university would organize an event that promotes legitimately racist ideas.” -Dylan B.
TPUSA Student Chapter President, University of South Carolina
Turning Point USA condemns racism in all forms, and the University of South Carolina should immediately cease pushing racial divisions on its students. Students should learn to judge everyone by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. “White Student Accountability Groups” go against everything Martin Luther King Jr. fought for, and against everything that Turning Point USA upholds.
May 3rd Update: The racist agenda being pushed by the University of South Carolina was on the forefront of my mind, so much so that I just had to make a reaction video to all of our TPUSA student activists out there. Stand strong everyone and resist any racism pushed on you by leftist professors!
Check out my recent condemnation of racism in the classroom on TPUSA’s Instagram!