In a Free Society, We Cannot Regulate Behavior or Morals of Our Citizens
We can’t have it both ways. Either we are free or we bow down to the government. Those are two very different ideas and cannot be accurate at the same time.
This is the hard truth, and the left must understand this. Quickly.
Let’s look at the debate on gun control. Gun control is the default position of the left whenever a tragedy like a shooting occurs. This is what I call “The Slow Chipping Away” of our Constitution. The left acts on emotion, not logic. They don’t think about the future of America if we ever become disarmed. And that future is grim.
Shall not be infringed was written for a reason.
We all agree that shootings are horrible, and we all wish they wouldn’t happen. But the reality is, not everyone is happy in this world, and disarming law-abiding citizens is not the answer. So long as we have armed law-abiding citizens, our rights will be protected, and tyranny would be impossible.
The left is not helping conservatives in the fight to preserve our Constitution, and that’s because they don’t understand the repercussions of not having it. They also don’t understand that there are consequences in a free society, and there is no such thing as a utopia.
In free societies, there are privileges and consequences to the freedoms that we hold. We cannot regulate the behavior or morals of our citizens. This is an unfortunate condition, but the reality of an open and free society.