Texas Proves That You Shouldn’t Be Running Generators If You Don’t Support The Oilfield
As you know, Texas is experiencing a historic snowstorm and levels of cold that have never been reached in the state before.
The electricity grid is unable to adhere to these temperatures due to the widespread use of alternative energy in the state (windmills et al.), and it is proving itself to be NOT sufficient enough.
Conservatives are and have always been well aware of how necessary oil, coal, and gas are. We are fully against getting rid of fossil fuels because we recognize that our country would come to a complete stop without them.
This picture is a real-life depiction of what I just said above. Fossil fuels to the rescue!

Liberals universally swear by the use of alternative energy and want to get RID of fossil fuels in every way possible to stop “global warming.” (See: Green New Deal)
If we are honest, Texas could really use some of that “global warming” right now.
Since the majority of Texas is without power, most are using home generators, if they have access to them. It is dangerous at this point to be without one, and people are dying.
There is a considerable level of hypocrisy that comes from a liberal using a generator. Not only that, but liberals are typically ignorant to the necessity of gas used to run a generator in the first place.
A home generator system runs by using an internal combustion engine fueled by either gas, propane, or diesel.
Does the left know that?
Maybe somewhere out there in Texas, a liberal refused to buy a generator when he or she had the chance because they knew they run on oil, and now they have turned into an icicle. Sad!
If fossil fuels were to be removed due to leftist policies, nobody would have power in Texas, AND nobody would be using a generator in Texas right now.
Perhaps the liberals in Texas have now changed their minds on fossil fuels and alternative energy. If so, it would be quite helpful if they could tell the rest of their progressive friends across the country about their experience.
Sometimes reality really hits you in the face.