Holy Patriotism: A Bald Eagle Snags A Fish
Let’s take a break from my ranting and check out something that makes all of my freedom-loving hairs stand up on the back of my neck…
We can sit back and complain about all of the freedom-hating, America-disgracing folks out there who like to run their mouths about whatever woke-feeling they ‘woke’ up with this morning (see what I did there HA!) OR we could look at something TRULY incredible.
This group of Patriots recognized the incoming Bald Eagle and thankfully had their phones out and captured this in SLOW MOTION.
Bravo to whoever thought to do that so quick, maybe you can replace some of the crazy filmmakers in Hollywood!
Enough talking, watch the freaking video:
I’m sorry, but after watching that I stood up and sang the National Anthem and did the Pledge of Allegiance even though I’m by myself!