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“Freedom Papers” on TPUSA LIVE Premiers Today

Today’s the day! It’s been a long time coming, but it’s finally here- TPUSA LIVE.

It isn’t exactly easy to be a Conservative online, in public, and ESPECIALLY in the classroom or on campus. I can relate- I went to American University, where it was 90% Liberal and I lived with a self-identifying communist. It can seem a bit overwhelming when you see the behavior of our generation.

I’m a firm believer that our founding principles and documents CANNOT be properly consented to or admired unless the American population is enlightened.

Americans are in the intellectual dark ages, and it can seem hopeless, but here’s the good news: not everyone needs to be an expert political commentator with one million followers to bring positive change.

A study from Michigan State University proves the most effective way to reach a young mind with a difficult-to-understand concept is actually via peer, not via parent or professor. What do I take out of that? WE are the most effective communicators when it comes to sharing the values of freedom with our generation. How exciting is that?!

Knowing that conversations with our friends can bring positive change, I’m so excited that TPUSA LIVE is going to be such a great daily resource for us as we stay on top of what’s going on in the world. We can tune in and then take that information out into our own communities to begin spreading the good word.

Here’s the thing: I’m a multi-tasker. I like to listen to podcasts and shows in the background as I do my daily work, drive, or workout. I think this show is going to be a great addition to my daily routine.

I can’t wait to be tuning in, and sometimes joining in, to the conversations going on with our friends from TPUSA at HQ in Arizona.

Not only that, but I have my own show that will be airing on TPUSA LIVE every Monday at 7pm ET, called Freedom Papers! Each episode will be a great discussion with a strong political leader, including members of the House Freedom Caucus, breaking down each of the 85 essays that make up the Federalist.

For those of you who don’t know what the heck the Federalist is… you better tune in to Episode 1, where I break down the full history of the documents that convinced American citizens to ratify the U.S. Constitution, ultimately changing the course of mankind.

No biggie.

The episodes of Freedom Seeds will air every Monday but will also be live forever on Youtube and all podcasting platforms, so you can always go back and use them as a resource in your personal education, or in any educational/ classroom setting.

I hope you guys are able to use TPUSA LIVE as a resource in your daily communication efforts, the same way I certainly will be!

“Turning Point USA is the largest, most impressive, and fastest youth movement in the country.”

- Glenn Beck