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Thanks to the support of 400,000 grassroots patriots, Turning Point USA reaches and impacts millions of students on campus and online. Please consider joining our cause with a tax deductible gift today!


Conservative Values vs Liberal Values

Conservatives teach self-responsibility and accountability for their actions (instead of the liberal philosophy that most [if not all] problems are everyone else’s fault and doing). We also promote being a victor and rising above our situations and circumstances, as not to be a victim and wallow in self-pity with the “woe is me” mindset (which liberals push onto blacks and other minority groups via “victim mentality”, claiming we are all just so overburdened by systemic racism, bigotry, and other wrongly proposed excuses, insomuch we cannot POSSIBLY rise above our situations & station in life).

It’s also conservative values that state we need two-parent homes, as single-parent homes and the absence of fathers in the homes causes much of the issues with our confused and troubled youth. But it is liberals who promote single mother parenting, which has shown to lead to an uptick of overtly effeminate, weak, and misguided men due to the lack of fathers in the home.

Unfortunately, the missing fathers aren’t around to show the boys how to become men, of which many of these improperly raised, trained, and broken men become the future leaders of this world, as they lead this world down wrong paths due to their upbringing. That’s due to leftist policies that rather have the mother “married” to the government for financial supplementation/gain, instead of married to a man to complete the home in efforts to create more independence from the government, as well as develop a generation of men who are adequately equipped to lead.

That’s why we conservatives advocate for LESS government, not more government programs and policies, that hamper us and make us more dependent while destroying families. The importance of conservative values being taught within our communities should be astronomically high, and hopefully, in due time, this will come to pass.

“Turning Point USA is the fastest-growing youth movement in America, and they have a potential to play a decisive role in shaping our country for decades to come.”

- Senator Ted Cruz