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Believe All Women, Until It’s The Left

This week, America’s eyes have been glued to the TV and social media as allegations of sexual harassment and sexual battery/assault have emerged from the governor’s office in New York at the hands of Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Multiple women have come forward to participate in an investigation conducted by the New York Attorney General’s office. The investigation revealed that Governor Cuomo “engaged in unwanted and inappropriate groping, kissing, hugging, and comments that accusers called ‘deeply humiliating, uncomfortable, offensive, or inappropriate,” as announced by New York Attorney General Letitia James during a press conference this week. A 165-page report has been released with the findings of the investigation.

Governor Cuomo’s office has repeatedly denied the allegations, saying they contain no truth and are an attempt at playing politics during a politically divided time.

Listening to the press conference this week, I couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable. The investigation conducted by the Attorney General’s office uncovered photographic evidence of nonconsensual touching, kissing, and more. Listening to the alleged words uttered by Governor Cuomo made my heartbreak for the young women who have come forward, and I felt grateful the state decided to pursue an investigation at all. Soon, however, I began to feel frustrated as I watched mainstream media outlets cover the story with a laissez-faire attitude and a sense of nonchalance.

The same person who is vehemently denying claims of sexual harassment today has previously shared a litany of “believe all women” statements in the past. The Daily Wire put together just a few of his tweets on the subject, including:

The allegations of sexual assault against Judge Kavanaugh are disturbing and deeply concerning. I call on the Senate to postpone any vote until the allegations are fully investigated. Our democracy demands nothing less.” — September 17, 2018

Too often, survivors of sexual violence must navigate a culture of silence and their own trauma before speaking out — we shouldn’t allow a time to be a barrier for justice. It’s time to end the statute of limitations for rape in New York State. #WomensJusticeAgenda.” — February 21, 2019.


McConnell’s comments show what a sham and mockery the entire process is. To cheapen or ridicule the pain a woman suffers from a sexual attack is sexist and disgusting.” — September 25, 2018.

Make no mistake about it–if the national conversation on sexual harassment in the workplace was centered around, let’s say, Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida, there would be NO hesitation to condemn the Governor’s behavior and statements. No one would suggest this is a mere political game, and the Governor would likely end up not just in civil court but also criminally prosecuted.

As predicted by conservatives during the Justice Kavanaugh confirmation process, the “believe all women” crowd is adamant about taking allegations of sexual harassment and assault seriously–until they center around a prominent figure of the political Left. The loudest voices on the Left aren’t interested in the pursuit of truth and justice. They are interested in manipulating the reality of sexual harassment to take down political adversaries and advance their own agenda, making a true mockery of the pain experienced by victims of such a terrible crime.

If the allegations against Governor Cuomo are eventually proven in a court of law, I hope that the national conversation can focus on the double standard we’ve observed in recent years for this very difficult subject. We should hold all of our leaders to a high standard, and the leaders of the Left are no exception. True justice is not social justice–but the pursuit of truth universally applied to all.

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