Surprise! The Left Has Backtracked On Anti-Border Stance
According to President Joe Biden’s DHS Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, Biden is now looking to restart the construction on the Southern border to fill any “gaps” in the border wall.
Remember the left saying the wall was “racist” for 4 years and antagonizing conservatives who wanted to strengthen our border?
So basically, all of that was thrown out the window now that they’re the ones having to deal with the crisis….GOT IT LIBS.
As you know, the Southern border wall had been fully paid for, but President Biden stopped the construction as soon as he got into office for the purpose of political optics and wanting to look like a “nice guy.” His words.
We have a huge problem at our southern border because illegal immigrants are coming in droves. The simple halt of construction and the open-border rhetoric from the left has lead to a rush at our border.
Also, the “overflow facilities,” known as the “CAGES” (but that term was only used by the left solely for the duration of the Trump presidency), are currently holding around 600 people and the facility is designed for around 30.
So, Leftists, I’m happy to see that you may be coming around to the concepts that Conservatives have been trying to communicate to you for years. I hope to see more common sense in your future.