16,000 Sign Petition, Condemn Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade ‘Transgender Extravaganza’

A petition condemning the “LGBTQ agenda” in the upcoming Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade has garnered more than 16,000 signatures and has invoked the ire of the left.
In 2021, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade featured Kim Petras, a self-identified “transsexual” who underwent sex reassignment surgery at 16 years old in Germany, however this year, the event is set to feature a number of “transgender” and “non-binary” performers.
“The non-binary and transgender extravaganza on display this Thanksgiving will be brought to you by Macy’s during their annually sponsored Thanksgiving Day Parade,” the petition, created by One Million Moms, a division of the American Family Association read. “Performances showcased in the parade will include music from two Broadway musicals, & Juliet and Shucked, both of which feature transgender and non-binary performers in major roles.”
Self-declared non-binary actor Justin David Sullivan will be featured in the parade where he will play a non-binary individual. The petition explained that Sullivan previously “declined eligibility for the Tony Awards, saying traditional acting categories need to be reconsidered to become more “inclusive” of gender non-conforming actors.”
“There’s nothing more that I want to empower than non-binary people, to show that it’s possible to be non-binary on Broadway, play a non-binary character on Broadway and be nominated, and possibly potentially awarded,” Sullivan told Playbill in an interview. “I felt like I couldn’t choose. I didn’t feel right being in either category because it didn’t resonate with me.”
“Alex Newell, a biological male who also identifies as non-binary, won a Tony Award this year for his starring performance in Shucked, playing the female role of Lulu,” the petition continued. “Newell, who uses all pronouns (he/she/they), has worn women’s clothes in recent public appearances and dressed in a shimmering, gold ball gown for the Tonys.”
One Million Moms said that the group can no longer “trust Macy’s Dept. Store,” because of their promotion and sponsorship of “this type of entertainment,” — and nearly 17,000 people agree.
“Thanksgiving Day, this liberal nonsense will be broadcast live from New York on NBC, starting at 8:30 a.m. Eastern,” the group wrote. “Shame on Macy’s for promoting and sponsoring this type of entertainment. We still cannot trust Macy’s Dept. Store. It is clear that Macy’s does not have our children’s best interests in mind.”