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Joy Fowler Spragens

Advisory Council Member


Joy Fowler Spragens

Advisory Council Member


Joy Fowler Spragens

Advisory Council Member

After a successful 29-year career as a Senior Vice President Wealth Management Advisor at Merrill Lynch, Joy took early retirement in 2014 to become a full-time Constitutional activist. Government-run schools from Pre-K through college had become anti-freedom, anti-American, anti-religion, anti-Constitutional institutions indoctrinating students with Socialist and Communist intolerance. “I saw the free market Capitalism that enabled my success being eroded by onerous regulations that robbed entrepreneurs, innovators, and investors of the opportunity to succeed. What was a fairly level playing field has become one filled with land mines and obstacles mandated by unelected, unaccountable, and lifetime-tenured bureaucrats with no practical experience in the field they were regulating. I spent more time dealing with repetitious regulatory compliance than doing the research that would benefit by clients. The freedom that allowed me to go from a six-figure debt to a seven-figure-plus net worth was already not there for the next generation.”


Joy serves as Founding Board Member and Vice President of Foundation for Peace, Board Member of the Washington Bach Consort, Vestry member of Christ the Anglican Church in Washington DC, Board Member of 7400 Oceanside in Fisher Island, Florida, voting representative to the Fisher Island Community Association, President and CEO of Mint Design and Development LLC and its subsidiary, Sonoma-Provence, a small organic, family farm in Sonoma County, California. “I would be remiss not to note the current onerous regulatory environment that has hamstrung every one of the organizations above (and more) by adding unnecessary expense, delays, and layers of paperwork. Only the wealthy can afford to navigate these costly regulatory delays and fees.”


Joy also serves as a member of the Trump Victory Finance Team; raising money by recruiting, organizing, and bundling donors, recruiting and organizing volunteers, and making calls. She also served on Marco Rubio’s various campaigns, raising money by recruiting, organizing, and building donors, knocking on doors, making GOTV calls, organizing groups for events, recruiting and organizing volunteers, working polls, and campaigning in over a dozen states.

“I want to congratulate Turning Point because you’re creating a change that will affect us for decades.”

- Rudy Giuliani