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Garbage Journalism: Teen Vogue And Politics

In recent years, Teen Vogue has shifted from a fun teenage magazine sharing dating advice, fashion trends, and pop culture news to a political publication in an effort to indoctrinate the next generation.

The magazine has been called out for previous articles slamming Capitalism and praising Karl Marx’s ideas as a savior of modern humanity, and they don’t seem to be slowing down any time soon.

Recently, Teen Vogue published a piece entitled, “What Is Necropolitics? The Political Calculation of Life and Death,” in which they proceed to slam white, Christian males and Capitalism to boot.

In case you’re wondering how crazy the article could possibly be, read this excerpt:

Necro comes from the Greek root nekros, meaning “corpse.” Necropolitics then translates to the “politics of death.” Philosopher Achille Mbembe describes necropolitics as “the capacity to define who matters and who does not, who is disposable and who is not.” In other words, necropolitics is a framework that illuminates how governments assign differential value to human life. The closer you are to dominant power, the more your life is worth. In the United States, if you’re a straight, white, able-bodied, cisgender, wealthy, Christian man, this is great news for you. But the further away you are from those axes of privilege, the less your life is worth under the logics of necropolitics — and the more precarious your existence becomes.”


Teen Vogue–stay in your lane. You were not started to be a political publication, which is obvious given your completely inaccurate takes on how society functions. This is why it’s so important for conservatives to play offense in our culture war–because political philosophy and culture are synonymous terms in 2021. If we fail to reach new demographics and get the truth out there, it’s likely the next generation will never hear it to begin with.

If you’re looking for REAL pop culture news without the propaganda, ditch Teen Vogue and start watching POPlitics. Trust me!

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