Far-Left Race Hysteria Is Now Attempting To Destroy Elite Private Schools
The $50,000+ per year Dalton School in New York City is now the center of a race row, shattering my quaint idea that elite, expensive private schools would be free of the kind of far-left racial hysteria that has destroyed the American public school system.
According to the New York Post, here is a list of just a few of their demands:
- Hiring 12 full-time diversity officers and multiple psychologists to support students “coping with race-based traumatic stress.”
- Assigning a staffer dedicated to black students who have “complaints or face disciplinary action” and a full-time advocate to help black kids “navigate a predominantly white institution.”
- Paying the student debt of black staffers upon hiring them.
- Requiring courses that focus on “Black liberation” and “challenges to white supremacy.”
Yes, you read that right. To combat “white supremacy,” people paying tuition for their kids to go to one of the most sought-after and elite private schools in the country, they must also PAY THE STUDENT DEBT OF BLACK STAFFERS.
This is all as insane as it is deeply sad. Of course, White parents are up in arms, and this has made national news. I recently finished a brilliant book by Thomas Sowell called Charter Schools and Their Enemies. In this brutal takedown of the public school system and its outright hostility to charter schools, he always starts with one question: how is this helping to educate children?
Of course, none of these “demands” has anything to do with educating children, but EVERYTHING to do with some Dalton staff trying to get in on the critical race theory grift. Excuse me, but there is NO way that a student of ANY color who is getting a $50,000+ per year education needs to be indoctrinated into critical race theory nonsense by way of faculty and staff members who don’t have their best interests at heart.
I thought that private schools were free of this nonsense. It appears that I was wrong. The question is: if this is allowed to infect even elite private institutions, will there be any school left that has the sole purpose of – I don’t know – teaching kids? If the left gets their way, probably not.