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Fact: Males and Females are Different. Let’s Celebrate!

If you go down the internet rabbit hole searching for factual definitions of “gender” and “sex,” you’ll find a confusing web of meanings and interpretations to fit modern-day social constructs and opinions. Unlike opinions, facts cannot be disputed.

Here’s an indisputable scientific fact: males and females are mentally and physically different. This fact should be celebrated, not chastised. This fact should also not be seen as an attack on transgender individuals. The episode should be on those who seek to ignore sexual differences in the hopes of falsely constructing a dystopian egalitarian society. When you ignore sexual differences, there are no winners. Both males and females are badly hurt.

Sticking to the science, what makes a male or female? Chromosomes. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes in each cell. Females have two X chromosomes, and males have one X and one Y chromosome. A gene on the Y chromosome is responsible for the developmental events that cause bodies and brains to take on male characteristics.

Let’s talk about the mind and the body. According to published, peer-reviewed studies and data from the American Physiological Society, scientists have identified over 3,000 genes that are differentially expressed in male and female skeletal muscle. Due to these differences, males dominate in female sports, and the results are disastrous to biological women. In combat sports, like MMA, women have been severely injured by men. In high school track and field, biological women are losing races to men, which means a loss of coveted and often much-needed college scholarships, financial aid, and admissions.

Moving on the mind, a 2014 University of Pennsylvania research study found that female brains consistently showed more strongly coordinated activity between hemispheres, while male brain activity was more tightly coordinated within local brain regions. This translates into behavioral differences.

These differences can be seen in humans as young as two-months-old. According to Stanford Medicine, infant girls respond more readily to faces and begin talking earlier. Boys react earlier in infancy to experimentally induced perceptual discrepancies in their visual environment. In adulthood, women remain more oriented to faces and men to things.

Parents often chose single-sex schools for these reasons. These mental differences cause boys and girls to learn very differently. Often, boys excel in math and girls in reading. When removed from each other in an academic setting, the educational playing field is leveled. The teachers can focus on gender needs as opposed to having to treat everyone educationally equally. Everyone wins. Therefore, it’s easy to see how a loss occurs in allowing a genetic boy, who identifies as a girl, into an all-girls’ school.

Science is quite simply not on the side of males and females being the same. This is not a statement of inequality. It is not a statement of superiority. It is a statement of fact and should be cause for celebration.

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- Senator Marco Rubio, Florida