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Dear Veterans, Thank You For Keeping America Great!

I often ask myself, what does Veterans Day mean to Americans? To some, it’s nothing more than another federal holiday, enabling a day of rest and a brief reprieve from the stresses of work. To others, a day to fire up the grill for a marathon of endless hot dogs, burgers, and cold brewskis with family & friends, as they all gear up for some fall-time shenanigans. But for those who know, understand, and pay proper respects to the American way of life, it could be both a federal holiday and a hot dog day, but also a day to pay tribute to a former service member for their faithful sacrifice to the service of America, our flag, and our military might. This is a day to honor and recognize both the living and the dead, to all those who donned the military uniform, love our country, and who were willing to sacrifice their lives for this wondrous bastion of hope – The United States of America.

What’s more, this one single day of epic proportions is an island in and of itself, set apart from the little-known Military Appreciation Month recognized in the month of May. Needless to say, words cannot accurately describe the ire I feel, knowing that PRIDE month is recognized to the hilt, celebrating nothing more than the mere sexual proclivities of a deviant nature, which is chock full of lewdly festive parades and pageantry. Self-aggrandizing, proud, and boastful of one’s own sexual appetites, the LGBTQ community makes it a point to be looked upon as the king (or queen) of all holidays, whilst not many Americans know of the month-long observance of Military Appreciation Month. The love for all those who are in service of the greatest military machine known to man should be glorified more than sexual deviance!What’s more, this one single day of epic proportions is an island in and of itself, set apart from the little-known Military Appreciation Month recognized in the month of May. Needless to say, words cannot accurately describe the ire I feel, knowing that PRIDE month is recognized to the hilt, celebrating nothing more than the mere sexual proclivities of a deviant nature, which is chock full of lewdly festive parades and pageantry. Self-aggrandizing, proud, and boastful of one’s own sexual appetites, the LGBTQ community makes it a point to be looked upon as the king (or queen) of all holidays, whilst not many Americans know of the month-long observance of Military Appreciation Month. The love for all those who are in service of the greatest military machine known to man should be glorified more than sexual deviance!

But I digress…

Separate from Military Appreciation Month, and lesser-known & promoted than Pride Month, is yet this stand-alone holiday (which should also be an entire month) that commemorates and celebrates the military men and women who are undoubtedly HEROES in their own right and to others. We tip our hats and exclaim “Happy Veterans Day” to:

Every man who never came home, every unmarked grave, every broken-hearted lover, mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, and friend who didn’t get to say goodbye.

Every hero who did make it home but felt like they died with their brothers in arms on the battlefield, feeling like a piece of them was forever lost with their fallen comrades.

Every family member along with the men and women who were deployed. While they did not serve, their steadfast dedication to being the immovable, unwavering anchor these soldiers needed to stay grounded and help them cope while being so far away deserves recognition and our utmost respect.

Veterans Day is so much more than a mere “thank a vet” holiday, but instead a “count every moment a blessing because if not for them, you wouldn’t be where you are today” type of day.  These men and women of the armed forces deserve so much more than a simple thanks, so do what you can to make them feel special today.

Thank you for your unmeasurable service, and may God bless you and your families. We are forever in your debt.

“We remember those who were called upon to give all a person can give, and we remember those who were prepared to make that sacrifice if it were demanded of them in the line of duty, though it never was. Most of all, we remember the devotion and gallantry with which all of them ennobled their nation as they became champions of a noble cause.” — Ronald Reagan

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- Lara Trump