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Children’s Literature is Becoming Leftist Propaganda

#1 New York Times Bestseller, Antiracist Baby

I recently took a trip to Barnes & Noble and found myself wandering through the children’s literature section with a sense of nostalgia.

Honestly, I barely recognized children’s books as being such–most of the themes were centered around VERY adult topics, like race, identity, and politics.

At the front of the section was the #1 New York Times Bestseller, Antiracist Baby by Ibram X. Kendi. Curious, I began leafing through the book and honestly could not believe what I was reading.

Today, with the increasingly popular titles Antiracist BabyFeminist Baby, and more, it’s becoming clear that indoctrination is not just a problem on college campuses or in high school classrooms–it’s culturally affecting infants and toddlers in 2020 as well.

Recently, the controversial 1619 Project founded by the New York Times announced they would also be publishing a series of children’s books for all age demographics.

Meanwhile, outside of Rush Limbaugh’s Rush Revere series, it’s rare to find even a handful of children’s books focused on pro-American or conservative messaging.

What do you think about the rapid influx of leftist ideology in children’s literature? ????

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