BOOK TOUR: Vermont

VERMONT, YOU ARE ADORABLE. My book tour to your beautiful state was my first ever visit to Vermont. Although I was there for less than 24 hours, I am excited to one day return!
Before I spoke with our incredible activism hubs, The Left went out of their way to put posters up around town referring to TPUSA as “fascists” and Nazis. Of course, not one of them actually showed up to protest the event. Figures!

One person at the hotel where we hosted the venue was incredibly upset to see a large gathering of people without masks. He began “protesting” by taking videos of those in attendance. After being escorted out of the venue by our staff, he evidently felt so bad that he put together a handwritten thank-you note that was later delivered to me, apologizing for his behavior. Adorable.
After my speech, I was informed that some of our many incredible students in Vermont were inspired enough to start a TPUSA chapter at the University of Vermont–a school where we’ve been attempting to get a chapter chartered for YEARS with little luck due to the bullies of the Left. I am so encouraged to see young Vermonters speaking up for liberty in the land of Bernie Sanders!
Thank you to our activism hubs in Vermont for hosting me in your awesome state. I hope to see some of you soon at conferences this summer!