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Bishop Aubrey Shines

Advisory Council Member


Bishop Aubrey Shines, a Chicago native, began ministering in the Cook County Correctional System in Chicago, IL, as an evangelical minister licensed by the reformation of the Church of God in Christ. In 1987, God moved greatly upon Bishop Shinesheart, and he became the founder of Glory to Glory Ministries International. The ministry has since transcended denominational, cultural, and ethnic boundaries. Throughout the country, Bishop Shines has been featured in various leading newspapers, magazines, and TV and radio broadcasts as a leading prophetic voice. This call upon his life has positioned him to minister prophetic insight into the lives of key spiritual leaders, top athletes, entertainers, and governmental officials


Bishop Shines had a zeal for God’s people to know Him in a greater and more personal way, rather than solely through human emotions. In May 2002, he began teaching a basic theology course to train leaders in the Greater Tampa Bay, Florida area. The curriculum focused on the Patristic Period and the impact that the first through fifth century Fathers of the Church had on our global society. As a result of the consistent weekly Bible teachings, the class attendance numbers grew steadily during the first year. Saturating his desire with prayer, God began to clearly speak to Bishop Shines, and it became apparent that God was leading him to shepherd this newly assembled flock of believers as their Senior Pastor


G2G Ministries, Inc., as the ministry is presently known, is now located in Temple Terrace, Florida. Over the past twelve years, the congregation has grown tremendously because of the anointing that God has placed on Bishop. Shineslife. Because of his unique leadership style, a high percentage of men flock to and actively serve in the ministry. Over 40% of G2G members are men, while the average population of men in ministries across the U.S. is 7-9%.


Bishop Shinesmost recent accomplishments include:

  • Hosting his own TV show America Shines on the Real America’s Voice Network 
  • Being the founder and CEO of Conservative Clergy of Color, a coalition of voices dedicated to changing the American debate on race
  • Conducting daily TV and radio interviews, completing hundreds each year 
  • Traveling alongside thenpresidential candidate Donald J. Trump, speaking in dozens of cities across America as a supporter
  • Authoring and publishing the book HOMOSEXUALITY? Things That the Media Won’t Tell You!” 
  • Authoring and publishing the book Eight Questions About Race: A Black Pastor Responds to Black Lives Matter
  • Welcoming 20+ ethnic groups at church every Sunday and encouraging people throughout Florida and the nation to attend


Being convinced and assured that the Bible is the true Word of God, Bishop Shines travels extensively to sound the alarm across America, never divorcing his biblical ministry from cultural or political issues. He compels the church to return to what our forefathers established and to live by what God has ordained in His Word, without compromise. He addresses the most pressing issues of our day, primarily those relating to righteousness. Bishop Shines has earned a computer science degree, a Bachelor of Theology degree, and a Master of Divinity degree


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- Rudy Giuliani