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A Violent Criminal Like Darrell Brooks Jr. is NOT an Innocent Victim

As many of you already know, Darrell Brooks Jr., a violent black supremacist career criminal who was known to express his anti-white racial bigotry on numerous occasions via social media, deliberately ran through a crowd of unsuspecting citizens attending a holiday parade on the 19th of November in Wisconsin. What you may not know, for which I was flabbergasted to find out – someone created a GoFundMe page for his $5 million bail! 

Thankfully, GoFundMe had the good sense to take it down, but take a look below at what this previous GoFundMe’s description written by James Norton, a self-proclaimed friend of Darrell Brooks Jr., had to say: 

“On November 21st, 2021 our dear friend Darrell Brooks was arrested for allegedly driving his car into a parade, as someone who knows Darrell personally I can tell you that he would NEVER do such a thing and I know he is innocent of what he was charged with. Clearly, there is more to the story the media is not telling us and I am seeking to raise the bail so Darrell can be released and speak his truth to his side of the story in this tragic situation that sees another black man behind bars in a purely political and racist trial.” 

Norton goes on to say, “There is no excuse for this continued treatment of black Americans by prosecutors around the country, everyone must be presumed innocent until proven guilty and we ask that he be treated equally as anyone else in this country would be treated and he should be released until found guilty.” 

The description on the GoFundMe ended with the hashtags, “#BLM, #IStandWithDarrell, #NoJusticeNoPeace, #RacismIsReal.” 

So, Mr. Norton, I’m just curious, do you have anything to support your statement, as you use cozy words in defense of the “honor” of a convicted pedophile, career criminal, and alleged mass murderer? I’m struggling to believe that this is anything short of a racially motivated premeditated attack on innocent American citizens for his own sick and twisted amusement. When I review video footage of Brooks plowing through a crowd of men, women, and children of all ages, on the heels of being jailed for intentionally running his child’s mother over after punching her, coupled with the fact that he has many tweets and social media posts encouraging violence against whites, it’s not difficult to see this man as a bitterly disgruntled individual who is dedicated to causing as much harm to those he whimsically decides should experience his outward expression of inner rage. Additionally, his quite extensive criminal background (including impregnating an underage girl), certainly lends credence to his rebellious nature when it comes to matters of moral and lawful behavior. 

However, in light of Mr. Norton’s valiant defense of such a despicable man, I am left baffled – bewildered even – feeling as if I am the one here who is sorely mistaken when it comes to the character of this man. Does Brooks volunteer every week to feed the homeless as some great humanitarian for good? Is he some great philosophical genius that helps revamp entire nations for the betterment of the world?  Does he lend his time to such benevolent pursuits that’ll be of aid to his defense in his upcoming trial, detailing the character of a man who deeply cares for his community, as well as those within his community, spreading joy, goodwill, and cheer akin to Santa Claus? Alas, I see nothing of the sort with him, as concluded after doing a brief overview of his written and spoken exploits regarding race, his disdain for law enforcement/order, and anti-Semitic notions stemming from core tenants of the Black Hebrew Israelites philosophy that blacks are the real Jews.

Mr. Norton, may I please take this time to address you for a moment – it is clearly known without question you are suffering from a full-blown, stage four case of the liberally influenced and debilitatingly devastating disease known as “the ‘stoopids’.” While I understand this diseases’ root causes are inextricably linked to prolonged exposure to left-wing legacy media’s cancerous take on cultural issues, as well as other cultural and racial ideologies left untreated and allowed to fester within the mind of degenerate filth, here is my recommendation for proceeding in the future: don’t be a fool. Recovery from said disease requires one red pill a day for the rest of your life, which tends to inspire the usage of one’s prefrontal cortex for purposes of relearning how to critically think, analyze, and assess day-to-day issues. Following these steps tend to promote the ability to come to logical conclusions using sound judgment and reasoning, a phenomenon known as having “common sense.” As it has been told, “common sense is so uncommon it should be classified as a superpower,” and boy am I inclined to agree!

For the rest of humanity, let us not fall into this trap of extolling the virtues of criminals simply due to the hue of their skin. Right is right, wrong is wrong – it is just that simple. The sooner society can be honest with the evil within our flawed nature, and that such nature is not relegated to a particular skin color, nor absent in others, the sooner we can get back on the right track. But the longer we willingly remain ignorant to the facts, as Mr. James Norton has showcased, we will continue to corrupt the very essence of our culture and society for years to come. 

“Charlie is leading the way with young people at Turning Point USA.”

- Kimberly Guilfoyle