10 Celebrities That Should Run For President
Since Will Smith recently said on a podcast that he would absolutely entertain the idea of running for office one day, here are 10 celebrities that would make a better president than him.
1. Kim Kardashian
She’s a businesswoman first and foremost and currently working on her law degree. She isn’t a stranger to the White House and worked in tandem with the Trump administration on criminal justice reform.
2. Phil Robertson
Obviously, a night and day difference from Kim K, but Phil Robertson is someone we know for a fact is a Bible-believing conservative already. Plus, how FUN would the Robertson family be to have at all the White House functions?! Miss Kay would also be the SWEETEST First Lady.
3. Matthew McConaughey
He’s a common-sense thinking celebrity. He does a great job of playing towards the middle when it comes to politics and definitely isn’t a rabid leftist which is really all we can ask for at this point.
4. Dolly Parton
She may be the one celebrity everyone can agree on and be the only person that could actually maybe bring the country together. She’s said she’s not a feminist because she doesn’t believe in holding an entire group accountable for one person’s mistakes and feels like identifying as a feminist as hating all men. She has helped children learn to read, fund COVID-19 research, and claims she doesn’t “do politics.” Perfect. That’s exactly what this country needs.
5. Tiger Woods
He didn’t let anyone intimidate him into ending his longstanding relationship with Donald Trump that he had started way back before he decided to run for president. The fact that he still golfed with him anyways while he was in office is pretty freaking cool.
6. Robert Downey Jr.
Robert Downey Jr. has been rumored to be a conservative by people in the industry for FOREVER. In 2008 he did an interview with the NYT explaining his political stance, “I have a really interesting political point of view, and it’s not always something I say too loud at dinner tables here, but you can’t go from a $2,000-a-night suite at La Mirage to a penitentiary and really understand it and come out a liberal. You can’t. I wouldn’t wish that experience on anyone else, but it was very, very, very educational for me and has informed my proclivities and politics ever since.” He starred in an anti-Trump ad in 2016, but many people don’t necessarily align with every candidate their party props up in this political climate. Hillary Clinton was a great example.
7. Angelina Jolie
She is known for all of her humanitarian work (including adopting 3283742 kids) and a recent interview where she revealed she isn’t exactly the biggest fan of the United Nations.
She told VOGUE, “I have a love-hate relationship with the UN. I love when I see practical solutions and protection for those in most need. I love to see people from around the world risking their lives for that. What I hate is how little focus governments have on actually solving the reasons people flee. I hate it when we don’t speak out and defend the rights of all people equally. And I hate when I feel the focus isn’t encouraging people and countries to be independent but seems to benefit from them being broken.”
8. Chris Pratt
He wore a “Don’t Tread On Me Shirt” and follows Turning Point USA on Instagram. What else do you really need to know?
9. Dennis Rodman
He is literally the only person who could finish the work Donald Trump started on peace with North Korea. Plus, he knows how to win. He has five NBA Championships to his name.
10. Dave Portnoy
Had to save the best option for last. Daddy Dave for the WIN! He’s opposed to lockdowns and raised millions for small business owners. He took the side of the little man in the Gamestop/Wall Street controversy and says, “cancel culture makes Barstool Sports stronger.” Pizza is also his favorite food, and he would probably throw the most epic bachelor parties in White House history.
Well, that’s my list. I think it’s pretty spot on but let us know what you think of these candidates or who you think should have made the list.